Before we left for Chicago, I was trying to find a way to get my photos of our engagement party invites off of my point-n-shoot. For the life of me, I could not figure out how to do it. For some reason when I plugged the cable from the cam into the laptop, the laptop wouldnt recognize it. The Eye-Fi card software is not loaded on this laptop either. I was getting so frustrated and finally decided to give up. Thats until my lovely Ned came home and suggested the most basic of ideas. I still did not get time to post the pictures before we left, but I would like to share them now.
Since Ned purchased my lovely engagement ring and my birthday necklace (that I wore for our engagement photos) from Tiffany & Co, I wanted to incorporate that beautiful blue color. I also decided on fuchsia and chocolate brown. I started out by going to the Paper Depot in Minneapolis (their website seems to be down) to get inspiration as I really wasnt quite sure what I wanted the invites to look like. I decided on a half sheet of Tiffany blue cardstock overlapped by a sparkly white paper and chocolate brown envelopes. After leaving the Paper Depot, I headed over to two craft stores to get the rest of the supplies, ribbon and a paper punch. (Im a sucker for ribbon when it comes to paper crafting projects. Remember the black ribbon on my bridesmaid cards?)
Ive been wanting to have a "cupcake" theme party now for awhile. I figured our engagement party would be the perfect time. My friend Andrea sent me an adorable font called "Fling" that became the starting point for our "Love Is Sweet" cupcake invitations. I even scored a cute cupcake paper punch at one of the craft stores.
After gathering all the supplies, this is what Ned and I put together:

Supplies and the mock up I made.

Close ups

Completed stack. You can kinda see how sparkly the white paper is here.

And the chocolate colored envelopes.
Now these might not look as professional as something Andrea can create, but then again, she is a professional. :-) Im really impressed with what Ned and I accomplished and Im glad we decided to work on this together.
(Sorry for the crappy photo editing on the pictures, but there are just some things I cant share with the internet and I was kinda in a hurry when working on these.)
We currently have 30+ affirmative RSVPs for our party this Saturday. Im excited, but also a bit stressed as there is so much that needs to be done before then. Im also trying to imagine 30+ people in our house at once! I have today and tomorrow off from work and need to get my butt off this computer and get stuff done.
- Gan
Next Post: How amazing my Maid of Honor is and the wonderful things she created for me!
Gan! These are the sweetest invitations! I love them so much! I could never be that creative!! They are just perfect, perfect. They are just so beautiful! I cannot wait to see what Ama made you and pictures from your engagement party. I'll be thinking of you this weekend!!